Privacy Policy

Your privacy is very important to us since our organization is built on the trust you place in us. The personally and non-personally identifiable information collected by this site will be used for the following purposes:

When submitting inquiries or completing forms, we collect personally identifiable information such as your Name, Address, Phone, E-mail, and other relevant information to process your request and, as necessary, to contact you regarding your request.

When browsing our site, we also collect non-personally identifiable information such as the name of the domain and host from which you accessed the Internet, the browser software you use, the date and time, and the Internet address of the web site from which you linked to our site to monitor our site and to improve the design, content, and navigation of the site.

It is the policy of Spartan FC not to sell or share personally identifiable information with organizations and/or persons not affiliated with the club.

Please contact us if you have any questions regarding this policy. 

Refund Policy

Club registration fees are due at general registration. If registration fees are not paid in full at the close of registration, Spartan FC may, at its discretion, remove a player from a roster. Refunds will not be provided after payment has been made.

If a player has submitted a request for financial aid, payment is not due until 5 calendar days after notification of the aid decision by Family Service of Glencoe.

A player who requests a release from the club will be eligible once all payments due to the club have been made.